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A phylogenomic approach to bacterial phylogeny : evidence for a core of genes sharing common history
Genome Res., 2002, 12(7), 1080-1090
V. Daubin, M. Gouy, G. Perrière

It has been claimed that complete genome sequences would clarify phylogenetic relationships between organisms, but up to now, no satisfying approach has been proposed to use efficiently these data. For instance, if the coding of presence or absence of genes in complete genomes gives interesting results, it does not take into account the phylogenetic information contained in sequences and ignores hidden paralogies by using a BLAST reciprocal best hit definition of orthology. In addition, concatenation of sequences of different genes as well as building of consensus trees only consider the few genes that are shared among all organisms. Here we present an attempt to use a supertree method to build the phylogenetic tree of 45 organisms, with special focus on bacterial phylogeny. This led us to perform a phylogenetic study of congruence of tree topologies, which allows the identification of a core of genes supporting similar species phylogeny. We then used this core of genes to infer a tree. This phylogeny presents several differences with the rRNA phylogeny, notably for the position of hyperthermophilic bacteria.

PMID: 12097345

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