An Entity-Association model for comparative mapping |
Proc. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB 2000), E. Bornberg-Bauer, U. Rost, J. Stoye, M. Vingron eds., Heidelberg, pp. 133-138, october 5-7, 2000 |
G. Bronner, C. Gautier, F. Rechenmann |
Comparative mapping, thanks to the mutual enrichment of maps of diverse species, emerges as a powerful tool to gather new knowledge about genomics. In order to structure and store information stemming from mapping comparisons, we develop GeMCore. It is a knowledge base that supplies graphical interfaces allowing data analysis dedicated to particular domains (agronomy, medicine, molecular evolution). GeMCore is based on a data entity model that integrates mapping, biological and sequence data and takes into account the specific constraints inherent in the comparison of maps among species. |