Hélène Rivière-Rolland is a 37 years old Doctor in Molecular Biology, and has 10 years experience in research laboratories, where she has been working in the molecular biology and plant physiology domains.
After obtaining a diploma in computer science, she has worked for 3 years as a Bioinformatics engineer in the HELIX team, INRIA, and in the GENOME express company bioinformatics service.
She is specialized in biological knowledge modelling and knowledge base specification and implementation. Genome annotation and Metabolism are the domains where she has the greatest experience, but, for instance, she has also developped a base for MS/MS data treatment in Proteomics.
Furthermore, she has worked on the integration of genome analysis and gene prediction methods in the annotation platform, Genostar. In this project, she was also in charge of the development of parsers for data exchange between external bases and the GenoAnnot module of Genostar. The programming langage she uses preferentially is JAVA.
At the present time, she is looking for a new job position in Bioinformatics, and we invite you to read her complete CV, which is accessible from this page. |