What's new in bioinformatics? |
Present and past announcements on the research activity in bioinformatics |
[21/10/2005] |
Séminaire "Algorithmique et biologie"
17e édition "Génomique évolutive", 26-28 octobre 2005, Banyuls-sur-Mer (France)
[20/10/2005] |
Création de la Société Française de BioInformatique (SFBI)
Pour la promotion de la recherche pluridisciplinaire autour des Sciences du Vivant
[26/09/2005] |
In-silico Analysis of Proteins: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Swiss-Prot
Fortaleza, Brazil, July 30 - August 4, 2006
[25/09/2005] |
Algorithms and Computational Methods for Biochemical and Evolutionary Networks - December 5-7, 2005 - Lyon, France - Program available.
[18/09/2005] |
Journées MathSTIC « Algorithmique génomique »
24 et 25 novembre 2005, Faculté des sciences d'Orsay, Salle 103, Bâtiment 338, Orsay. Programme disponible.
[16/09/2005] |
RECOMB 2006 - The tenth annual international conference on research in computational molecular biology
April 2-5, 2006 - Venice (Italy) - Deadline for paper submission: September 23, 2005
[14/09/2005] |
ECCB'05 - European Conference on Computational Biology
Madrid (Spain), 28th Sept - 1st Oct 2005
[31/05/2005] |
Conference in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
July 14th & 15th 2005 - Edinburgh, UK
[31/05/2005] |
Ecole d'été de biologie de Luminy 2005
29 août - 9 septembre 2004, Luminy (Marseille). Inscription avant le 4 juillet 2005
[31/05/2005] |
Biomolecular simulations - Satellite meeting to the International Biophysics Congress
September 2nd and 3rd 2005 - Bordeaux (France)