Rhône-Alpes Genopole is a node of the Genopole network in France, a network of genomic centers without walls which aims to:
strengthen research in genomics through large-scale scientific projects;
develop programs of excellence in education and research;
support structured projects of economic development generated from technology transfer of public research.
The economic development of Rhône-Alpes Genopole is conducted by the foundation Rhône-Alpes Futur.
Rhône-Alpes Genopole provides a coherent chain of facilities merging three main programmes:
exploratory genomics and bioinformatics,
structural proteomics and the future National Resource Centre in Proteomics and Structural Genomics,
functional exploration of genes based on Animage, a small laboratory animal multimodal imaging facility.
The Helix research group is involved in the first two programmes. |